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Who is our service for

Vessel managers

Let us handle the legwork for you! PortContact not only connects you with the right service providers via directory, but also finds services and vendors you need making all necessary inquiries on your behalf. We compile and summarize the information and deliver you ready Quotations, so you can save time and focus on other important tasks. Leave the research and communication with vendors on us, just get the ready quotation from verified vendors and finalize the deal directly!
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Contractors and suppliers

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Adam Phillips

CEO & Founder

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123 Street, New York, USA


+012 345 67890


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Welcome to PortContact

25 Years Experience

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About Us

  • Are you confused with the choice of vendors?
  • Lack of time to contact all of them?

Get us to assist you and find the appropriate vendors! We will guide you with our recommendations, will get complete Quotations for you, will introduce you to the offer of your choice and you will finalize the deal directly!

Quotations are only from the Verified Vendors!

The service is Free Of Charge! Just drop us an e-mail: or leave a request

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Who we are

PortContact simplifies life for ship managers - we find the best vendors and deliver ready quotations for you.

Our smart service eliminates the hassle of searching by connecting you directly with top-rated maritime vendors worldwide. From hull cleaning to specialized supplies, we handle the heavy lifting—providing fast, reliable, and high-quality solutions tailored to your needs.

Simply drop us a quick enquiry, and we’ll take care of the rest. Save time, focus on managing your fleet and just chose one of the options we provided! You can also browse our curated database featuring eye-catching presentations from bidding vendors.

PortContact acts as an information center, but not as a broker or agent of any kind. All the communication will be carried out directly between owners and vendors.

Who is our service for

Vessel managers
Let us handle the legwork for you!

PortContact not only connects you with the right service providers via directory, but also finds services and vendors you need making all necessary inquiries on your behalf.

We compile and summarize the information and deliver you ready Quotations, so you can save time and focus on other important tasks.

Leave the research and communication with vendors on us, just get the ready quotation from verified vendors and finalize the deal directly!

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Contractors and Suppliers
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  • Author: Diego Velazques
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    Jan 20th, 2019 Jan 20th, 2019

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    Naviera Del Golfo De Tehuantepec
    Ship and drilling rig supply and maintenance company, as well as consumables
    '; main["foundServicesThumb"]='Singapore'; main["blogThumb"]='

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    Ocean Maritime Ceylon Private Limited
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  • Josh Dunn

    01 Jan 2045 at 12:00pm

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet elit. Integer lorem augue purus mollis sapien, non eros leo in nunc. Donec a nulla vel turpis tempor ac vel justo. In hac platea dictumst.

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    Approved from several Classification Societies for In water Surveys. In water Surveys carried out by experience divers using color CCTV video camera with U/W lights, with umbilical cable 100 m. two way communication diver/surface diver supervisor, color monitor, digital recording, and after survey completion report and DVDs for Class / Owners / our File.
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    Madonna Sistina

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